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Frequency Compendium according to Rife and Clark (english version)

39,90 €*

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit 1-3 Tage **

Produktnummer: 011058
Produktinformationen "Frequency Compendium according to Rife and Clark (english version) "
In this "workbook" the applications are presented based on the work of Dr. Clark and Dr. Rife.
In order to get the full benefit and the most effective type of therapy, it is best to use a frequency generator such as the Diamond Shield Zapper Professional or the Trikombin, which offers the following features
Modulation of the oscillations up to at least 128 times
Wobble function (continuous stepless control of a frequency range), back and forth or also on one side
Impulse discharge: the ability of the frequency generator to switch itself on and off at short intervals
Grounding: the possibility of grounding oneself via the device.
the possibility to work in the micro-current range.
In this practical workbook, the main settings are read off and simply programmed into the device.
The background information on the clinical pictures and pathogens makes it a very handy and practical workbook.
Author: Alan E. Baklayan
ISBN: 978-3-00-0662591
First edition, translated from German. 
Eigenschaften "Frequency Compendium according to Rife and Clark (english version) "
Buch: Englische Printausgabe
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